NGRAVE Crypto Wallet Review – Crypto Wallets guide arculus cold wallet

NGRAVE Crypto Wallet Review

NGRAVE Crypto Wallet: A Comprehensive Examination of Pros and Cons

The world of cryptocurrency requires secure and reliable storage solutions to safeguard digital assets from potential threats. NGRAVE, a notable player in the hardware wallet market, offers a product designed to meet the highest security standards while providing a user-friendly experience. This detailed article explores the NGRAVE crypto wallet, delving into its features, security measures, user experience, and overall value.

Introduction to NGRAVE

NGRAVE is a Belgian company founded by cryptocurrency enthusiasts with a focus on providing state-of-the-art security solutions for digital assets. The company’s flagship product, the NGRAVE ZERO, is designed to offer the highest level of security, featuring advanced cryptographic technologies and innovative design elements. NGRAVE also provides a companion app, NGRAVE LIQUID, for managing assets and transactions seamlessly.

Key Features

  1. Air-Gapped Security: NGRAVE ZERO operates entirely offline, ensuring that private keys are never exposed to the internet.
  2. EAL7 Certified: The wallet is certified with Evaluation Assurance Level 7 (EAL7), the highest security certification available, ensuring robust protection against various threats.
  3. Full-Color Touchscreen: A large touchscreen interface facilitates easy navigation and transaction verification.
  4. QR Code Scanning: NGRAVE ZERO uses QR codes to facilitate secure, air-gapped communication between the wallet and the companion app.
  5. Multi-Cryptocurrency Support: The wallet supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and various ERC-20 tokens.
  6. Backup and Recovery: NGRAVE’s unique Graphene technology offers a secure and durable way to back up and recover private keys.
  7. Open-Source Software: The firmware and software are open-source, allowing for community audits and ensuring transparency.

Pros of NGRAVE Crypto Wallet

  1. Unparalleled Security
  • Air-Gapped Operation: By operating entirely offline, NGRAVE ZERO eliminates the risk of remote hacking attempts. Transactions are signed offline and communicated via QR codes, ensuring that private keys never touch the internet.
  • EAL7 Certification: The wallet’s EAL7 certification represents the highest level of security assurance, indicating that it has undergone rigorous testing against various security threats.
  • Graphene Backup: NGRAVE’s Graphene backup system provides a highly secure method for storing recovery seeds. It consists of two stainless steel plates that, when combined, reveal the recovery seed, making it resistant to physical damage and unauthorized access.
  • Secure Boot and Firmware Verification: The device ensures that only authentic firmware can run, protecting against malicious updates.
  • Secure Element: The wallet incorporates a secure element to safeguard private keys and sensitive information from physical and electronic tampering.
  1. User-Friendly Interface
  • Full-Color Touchscreen: The large, high-resolution touchscreen interface allows for intuitive navigation and transaction verification, reducing the risk of errors.
  • QR Code Scanning: QR code scanning facilitates secure, air-gapped communication between the NGRAVE ZERO and the companion app, simplifying the process of sending and receiving funds.
  • Step-by-Step Setup: The initial setup process is straightforward, with clear instructions provided to guide users through the process of creating wallets and securing recovery seeds.
  1. Wide Cryptocurrency Support
  • Multi-Currency Compatibility: NGRAVE ZERO supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies, including major assets like Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and numerous ERC-20 tokens. This makes it a versatile option for users with diverse portfolios.
  • Regular Updates: NGRAVE regularly updates its firmware to add support for new cryptocurrencies and improve existing functionalities, ensuring that users can securely store the latest digital assets.
  1. Graphene Backup System
  • Durability: The Graphene backup plates are made of stainless steel, making them resistant to fire, water, and other forms of physical damage. This ensures that recovery seeds are protected under extreme conditions.
  • Security: The two-plate system requires both plates to reveal the recovery seed, enhancing security by making it difficult for unauthorized individuals to access the seed.
  • Ease of Use: The backup system is designed to be user-friendly, allowing users to securely store and retrieve their recovery seeds without technical expertise.
  1. Open-Source Transparency
  • Community Audits: The open-source nature of NGRAVE’s firmware and software allows for continuous peer review, ensuring transparency and trust. Security vulnerabilities can be quickly identified and addressed by the community.
  • Customizable: Advanced users can customize the firmware to meet their specific needs, providing flexibility and control over their security setup.

Cons of NGRAVE Crypto Wallet

  1. High Price Point
  • Cost: The NGRAVE ZERO is one of the more expensive hardware wallets on the market, which may be prohibitive for some users. The high price reflects its advanced security features and premium build quality, but it may not be justifiable for casual users with smaller portfolios.
  1. Limited Cryptocurrency Support
  • Focused Asset Support: While NGRAVE ZERO supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies, it may not support as many altcoins and tokens as some competitors. Users with highly diverse portfolios might find this limiting.
  • No Native Staking Support: Unlike some other hardware wallets, NGRAVE ZERO does not currently offer native support for staking cryptocurrencies, which may be a drawback for users looking to earn rewards on their holdings.
  1. Physical Vulnerabilities
  • Potential for Damage or Loss: As a physical device, the NGRAVE ZERO is susceptible to damage or loss. While the Graphene backup system mitigates this risk, users must ensure they keep the backup plates secure and accessible.
  • Theft Risk: If the device is stolen and the PIN is compromised, unauthorized users could potentially access the stored funds.
  1. Learning Curve for New Users
  • Complexity of Advanced Features: While the basic setup is user-friendly, the advanced security features, such as multisig setups and the Graphene backup system, may be complex for new users to understand and implement correctly.
  • Technical Knowledge Required: Users may need a certain level of technical knowledge to fully leverage the device’s advanced security features and open-source capabilities.
  1. Dependency on Companion App
  • Reliance on NGRAVE LIQUID: To fully utilize the NGRAVE ZERO’s features, users need to use the companion app, NGRAVE LIQUID. While the app is designed to enhance the user experience, it introduces an additional layer of dependency.
  • App Compatibility: Users must ensure that their mobile devices are compatible with the NGRAVE LIQUID app, which may be an issue for those with older or less common devices.

User Experience

Setup and Interface

The NGRAVE ZERO offers a user-friendly setup process with step-by-step instructions. Users create a 24-word recovery seed during setup, which is securely stored using the Graphene backup system. The large, full-color touchscreen interface provides intuitive navigation, making it easy to manage assets and perform transactions.

Transaction Verification

The full-color touchscreen allows users to verify transaction details directly on the device, reducing the risk of phishing attacks. QR code scanning facilitates secure communication between the wallet and the companion app, simplifying the process of sending and receiving funds.

Software Integration

NGRAVE ZERO integrates seamlessly with the NGRAVE LIQUID app, a powerful tool for managing digital assets. The app offers advanced features like portfolio tracking, transaction history, and secure communication with the hardware wallet, providing a comprehensive platform for managing cryptocurrencies.

Security Measures

The NGRAVE ZERO is renowned for its robust security measures:

  • Air-Gapped Operation: The wallet operates entirely offline, eliminating the risk of remote hacking attempts. Transactions are signed offline and communicated via QR codes.
  • EAL7 Certification: The wallet’s EAL7 certification indicates the highest level of security assurance, ensuring robust protection against various threats.
  • Graphene Backup: The innovative Graphene backup system provides a highly secure method for storing recovery seeds, consisting of two stainless steel plates that reveal the seed when combined.
  • Secure Boot and Firmware Verification: The device ensures that only authentic firmware can run, protecting against malicious updates.
  • Secure Element: The wallet incorporates a secure element to safeguard private keys and sensitive information from physical and electronic tampering.

Price and Value

The NGRAVE ZERO is priced at the premium end of the market, reflecting its advanced security features and high build quality. While the cost may be prohibitive for some users, it represents a valuable investment for those who prioritize security and are serious about protecting their digital assets.


The NGRAVE ZERO is a top-tier hardware wallet designed for users who prioritize security and seek a robust, user-friendly solution for managing digital assets. Its advanced security features, including air-gapped operation, EAL7 certification, and the innovative Graphene backup system, set it apart as one of the most secure hardware wallets available.

While the high price point and limited support for certain cryptocurrencies may be drawbacks for some users, the overall advantages of the NGRAVE ZERO far outweigh these limitations. For serious cryptocurrency enthusiasts and those with significant digital assets, the NGRAVE ZERO offers unparalleled security and peace of mind.

In summary, the NGRAVE ZERO is an excellent choice for those seeking a secure, reliable, and user-friendly hardware wallet. Its commitment to security, transparency, and ongoing updates ensures that it will continue to be a trusted tool for cryptocurrency enthusiasts in 2024 and beyond.

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